Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kindergarten research

Kindergarten has been learning how to research. First, we chose if we were going to research owls or raccoons.  We did this research in our classroom.  We found information in books, on the computer and on our iPads.  We used qr codes to go to a blendspace about owls or raccoons.  We found out many similarities and differences between owls and raccoons.  We even drew an owl or raccoon and wrote a story about what we learned.

We the chose which animal to learn more about between turtles, birds, butterflies and frogs.  Each kindergarten teacher taught a different animal.  They learned so much about their animals and you will get to see some of it during the kindergarten success ceremony.  If they created a digital project each student has placed it on their blog.  We are great a researching now!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

12 acts of kindness

What happens when you take 12 acts of kindness times 22 children? You have a very sweet class and STINKY FEET DAY!  So fun!!! It was a very exciting day of no shoes in Candy Land today. Each child did 12 acts of kindness to their classmates and then the classmate who received the act reported it. There was a lot of kindness happening in kindergarten this week which resulted in much excitement today. :)


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